ICEP Conference Series
History of ICEP
This ICEP conference series was originally the brainchild of Prof Firoz Alam and Dr Harun Chowdhury. Both have organised several international conferences, including the 19th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (AFMC) 2014, hosted by RMIT University. After the massive success of the 19AFMC Conference, which had over 400 participants, they worked together to introduce this ICEP conference series in 2016.
The 1st ICEP 2016 was organised by RMIT University in Melbourne (Australia), and the 2nd ICEP 2018 was organised by Central Queensland University in Sydney (Australia). Over 150 participants from across the globe attended every conference. The 3rd International Conference on Energy and Power (ICEP2021) was organised by Chiang Mai University, Thailand and Zhejiang University, China, in association with the Australasian Society of Energy and Power (ASEP) from 18-20 November 2021. The 4th International Conference on Energy and Power (ICEP2022) was hosted by the Military Institute of Science & Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh, in association with the Australian Society of Energy and Power (ASEP) from 11-13 December 2022.
Scope of ICEP
The International Conference on Energy and Power (ICEP) aims to provide a forum for scientists, engineers, researchers, and educators worldwide involved in energy and power research, development, and innovation. The conference enables the participants to present and discuss the latest trends and findings and to learn state-of-the-art technologies in relevant topics and applications.
This conference will cover the broad energy and power technologies field in all engineering and scientific disciplines. It will be an ideal place to learn about the recent developments in power and energy technologies presented by leading academics, researchers and industry experts. The conference themes include all aspects of fundamental and applied research in energy and power but are not limited to:
Renewable Energy: Bio-energy, geothermal energy, photo-voltaic, renewable fuels, solar-thermal, wind energy, wave energy, hydroelectric power, biomass systems, bio-fuels, ocean and tidal energy, hydrogen and fuel cell technologies.
Conventional and Nuclear Energy: Coal, liquid fuel, combustion, enhanced oil recovery, natural gas-LNG & CNG, nuclear power, power generation, waste heat recovery applications, energy and exergy efficiency, gasification, pyrolysis
Energy Storage and Grid Modernization: Storage and conversion, batteries and fuel cells, smart grid technologies and devices, blockchain technologies, power transmission & distribution, smart grid and metering, fault monitoring and predictive maintenance, superconductors, electricity networks of the future, power systems and automation, distributed generation, heat pump.
Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Technologies: Green buildings, green computing, thermoelectrics, green transport, energy efficiency and conservation, CO2 capture, low-carbon technology, energy harvesting and scavenging, mitigation technologies, sustainable and resilient cities, building energy technologies and systems, HVAC systems, phase change materials.
Energy Management, Policy and Economics: Clean energy, energy auditing, cross-border power trading, energy and environment security, energy sciences, intelligent energy systems, energy demand and use optimisation, energy and environment policies, carbon tax, sustainable energy awareness, international cooperation.
Upcoming Conference: 5th ICEP 2024
The 5th International Conference on Energy and Power (ICEP2024) will be hosted by collaboration between the University of Bengkulu, the University of Udayana, and Andalas University, Indonesia, in association with the Australian Society of Energy and Power (ASEP), from 4-6 December 2024 in Bali, Indonesia. The ICEP2024 conference will be held in Dual Mode: onsite (at the venue) and online using the Zoom Meeting Platform.
Please submit your Abstract by 30 October 2024 at
Calls for Expressions of Interest in hosting the next ICEP Conference
In 2020, Prof Firoz Alam and Dr Harun Chowdhury co-founded the Australian Society of Energy & Power (ASEP), a not-for-profit organization in Australia. The society will assist the hosting university/organization in organising the conference series. Any university that is interested can host this conference by following the guidelines provided by the society. Any university willing to host the next conference initially needs to express its interest to society. The next hosting university is usually decided or declared during the last conference event by an opinion poll among the conference participants.
The ASEP conducts a biannual conference worldwide to promote energy and power and facilitate disseminating research and best practices throughout the scientific community. Hosting this conference brings substantial visibility to your university and city. It provides a great networking platform and professional development opportunities within engineering education.
The ASEP committee is currently reviewing the bid documentation, and we expect the ‘Procedures to Host the ICEP conference’ to be available on the ASEP website soon. In the meantime, don't hesitate to get in touch with with any questions or queries.