Submissions & Publications
Publications of ICEP Conference Proceedings:
All published papers in the previous conference series are peer-reviewed and available ONLINE:
ICEP2018: 2nd International Conference on Energy and Power, ICEP2018, 13–15 December 2018, Sydney, Australia
ICEP2021 Conference Proceedings
All papers will be peer-reviewed by international experts.
All accepted papers will be published in AIP Conference Proceedings by AIP Publishing (USA). AIP Conference Proceedings are open access and indexed in several abstracting and indexing databases to enhance visibility and discoverability of published research including the Conference Proceedings Citation Index (part of Web of Science), Scopus (Elsevier), Inspec, Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), and Astrophysics Data System (ADS).
The official language of the conference is English.
Please note that there will be a limit of one paper per registration. Additional papers will incur extra costs.
Furthermore, selected papers if expanded will be published in the following Special Edition of a Scopus indexed journals:
Publication in Special Edition journals
Based on the recommendation of the Technical Committee, a few papers will be selected among the published papers in the ICEP2021 conference proceedings and an invitation will be sent to the authors
The papers must be expanded and submitted within the due date.
The authors must follow the specific guidelines of the journal to prepare the manuscript.
After a reviewing process, the article will be accepted for publication.
A publication processing fee of USD 200 needs to be paid for each publication in the special issue journal publication.
Draft Paper Submission and Paper Template for ICEP2021:
Upon acceptance of the abstract, authors need to prepare a draft paper (between 3 and 8 pages) using the Paper Template (Click here to download the template file). (For more info on Preparing Your Manuscript, visit AIP website)
Please note that the page limit for each paper is 8 (eight) pages (including the List of References).
Please name your file using your submission ID. For example: if your submission ID is 130, then name your Draft Paper as ‘130_draft.pdf’.
Submit your formatted Draft Paper via email as an attachment (PDF format) to:
Review of the Papers:
The 'similarity index' will be checked for each submitted paper using Turnitin. The acceptable total Turnitin percentage is anything below 20% in the similarity report provided that the similarity percentage is no more than 2% from a single source.
All draft papers will be reviewed by a minimum of two independent experts in their fields. Reviewers’ comments will be emailed to the corresponding author by the deadline for further corrections.
Submission of Corrected Manuscript:
Authors must submit the corrected manuscript incorporating all the reviewers’ comments by the given deadline. A separate file should be provided indicating the ‘Response to the Reviewers’ Comments’ for each corrected paper.
Please name your files using your submission ID_corrected. For example: if your submission ID is 130, then name your Corrected Paper as ‘130_corrected.docx’ and for the “130_response to the reviewers.pdf” for the author’s response.
Submit your Corrected Manuscript via email as an attachment (Word format only)) to:
Presentation of your work at the conference
Authors can present their paper in the following options:
Oral presentation – LIVE or Pre-recorded
Poster presentation
Guideline for preparing your Oral Presentation:
Prepare a multimedia presentation file using Microsoft PowerPoint or similar software with a title page:
Contents: Your presentation should contain a number of sides: A title page, background, rationale, materials, methodology, results, and major conclusions, recommendations for future study. It may also contain animations and video clips.
Format: Use appropriate font size for each slide.
Time management: Limit the number of slides in such a way that you can finish your talk within 10 minutes. Keep 3 minutes for the discussion on your presentation and 2 minutes for the changeover. The Session Chair will keep count of the time limit and remind the presenter with a call bell. Immediately after the end of the presentation, a discussion session will commence. In the discussion, the audience or the Chair/Judge can ask a few questions regarding the presentation.
The Mood of Presentation:
Online LIVE Presentation: To present your paper from a remote location, you need a computer/laptop with internet connectivity. We’ll send you an online meeting link via email to join the scheduled session in the conference using Zoom / MS Teams or similar Apps. Make sure you have proper hardware (Computer, Microphone and Video Camera) and required software installed in your computer and a stable internet connection. Test it before connecting to the online meeting.
Pre-recorded Presentation: You can send us a 10-min duration video clip (Multimedia file) of your presentation by recording your presentation or producing a compiled multimedia presentation. If you choose this option, please send us your multimedia file at least 7 days before the conference begins. We’ll play the pre-recorded presentation during your presentation timeslot and the presenters are requested to be available in the online session to answer any questions.
Guideline for preparing your Poster Presentation:
Please prepare a one-page full-colour poster using Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, MS PowerPoint, MS Word, or similar software:
Paper size: A1 size (full colour)
File format: PDF and JPG, or similar format with high-quality output
Poster session: During the poster presentation presenters should be available in the online session to answer any questions
All online presentations will be recorded and published in the ASEP Official Channel
All submitted posters will be published on our conference website
How to send your Video (recorded presentation) / Poster (Graphics) file:
You don't need to send your file as an email attachment, rather, you just share your file from your online storage (Google Drive, One Drive, Dropbox and so on). Please send/share with us the download link for your multimedia file via our conference email address: ( so that we can download it from your online drive.